Dust storms are the most dynamic weather phenomenon on Mars because they develop and move rapidly, often with winds over 200 miles per hour! If one monitors carefully, one can watch them grow, move, and eventually dissipate. In order to minimize the blurring from atmospheric turbulence, it is best to observe through the least amount of atmosphere, therefore viewing near the horizon is less ideal since haze will wash out detail. It is best to allow Mars to climb higher for at least two hours after rising. Scientific research is most often not the main goal for many amateur astronomers, unlike professional astronomers.
The effect of that is to place Venus always quite close to the Sun – but not as markedly as little Mercury – so we either see it low over the horizon towards the east before sunrise or towards the west after sunset. Venus is almost exclusively seen as either a morning or evening ‘star’. It is closer to the sun than we are and so, on its journey around our star, we can only see it when it is off to the side of the Sun from our perspective.
With the rings nearly gone it will be easier to see the fainter inner moons. It is also the time to observe the transits, eclipses, occultations, and shadow transits of the moons. The Equatorial Zone is a wide, bright whitish band that wraps around the equator and is usually partially obstructed from view by the rings, but fully visible when the rings are edge-on.
The best-fit model is represented by the yellow curve, and the residuals to this model are shown in the bottom panel. The comparison of the titanium-bearing molecule condensation curve (dotted line) and the thermal profiles of the models (solid lines) in the bottom panel of Fig. 7 shows all the models are cold enough for titanium-bearing molecules to condense.
We can fit a waxing gibbous moon phase in the field of view and, after tweaking the focuser, the craters and lunar mare come into exquisite focus, with lovely contrast and clarity. Because Uranus is relatively bright, using a telescope with at least four inches of aperture or more at about 150x magnification should be enough to reveal its very tiny aqua-blue disc in calm skies. However, do not expect to see anything but a featureless greenish dot. If you have access to at least an 8” aperture telescope, you might be able to see two of its brighter moons, Oberon (magnitude 14.1) and Titania (magnitude 13.9).
Using the slow motion control function of your telescope works great to keep objects in the field of view of your eyepiece, or to zero in on an object once you are very close. If you’re chasing the best possible specs to see as far into space as you can, we recommend any of our other picks. The LT 80AZ comes with 25mm and 10mm eyepieces, plus a 2x Barlow lens. These telescopes are for beginning astronomers, and they are designed to help you become familiar with the night sky.
With a good telescope, its largest moon, Titan, might also make an appearance. Averted vision — looking a little away from your target instead of directly at it — is essential for finding faint targets. It soon becomes second nature to any deep-sky observer; I actually have to make a conscious effort when I want to view and object with direct rather than averted vision. These nebulas emit most of their light in a few narrow wavelengths, and filters that block most light while letting these wavelengths pass through can spectacularly improve their appearance.
In Discover the best telescope for adults right here. to find the minimum conditions for forming highly reflecting clouds in LTT 9779 b, we first computed a series of models assuming that heat is efficiently transported from the dayside to the nightside of the planet. This provided us with the coolest models that can be achieved under the assumption of radiative-convective equilibrium. Eclipse depths obtained by fitting the CHEOPS light curves of LTT 9779 b individually.
With this, we created a master contamination curve given by the rolling mean of the combined curve. We interpolated this master contamination curve to calculate the contamination at the respective roll angle values of the images/points of each visit. An example of this contamination curve for visit 2 is shown in the bottom panel of Fig. Finally, these new smooth contamination curves were used for the correction of the individual light curves, as described below. The albedo of a planet can be understood as the competition between the scattering of light (either due to gaseous Rayleigh scattering or Mie scattering by clouds) and the absorption of the light by molecular species. In planets cooler than 2000 K, sodium and potassium become the strongest optical absorbers, meaning that the albedo of cloudless planets tends to be extremely low (Sudarsky et al. 2000; Parmentier et al. 2015).
Another factor affecting our ability to observe DSO is sky darkness, and it is even more important than aperture. If you observe in the middle of a big, light polluted city – even owning a huge, $ telescope won’t help. With its impressive magnification capabilities of up to 133x, this powerful telescope brings celestial objects into stunning focus, allowing you to observe them with incredible detail. The included eyepieces provide the perfect level of magnification for exploring the moon and planets, ensuring that no finer details go unnoticed.